Community College Partnership Managers

A Community College Partnership Manager serves as the relationship manager between Ohio University and the partner institution. They serve as the contact for articulation agreement management, program pathway development, recruitment opportunities, and help facilitate relationships between the Ohio University community with partner school institutional stakeholders, leadership, community members, faculty, staff, and students.

Partnership ManagerCommunity College
Coleen Dietsch
Senior Community College Partnership Manager
Cincinnati State Technical and Community College, Clark State College, Edison State Community College, Ivy Tech Community College, Kentucky Community & Technical College System, Sinclair Community College
Renee Dodd
Senior Community College Partnership Manager
Antelope Valley, Cerro Coso Community College, City College of San Francisco, College of San Mateo, College of the Canyons, Copper Mountain College, Evergreen Valley College, Gavilan College, Lake Tahoe Community College, Long Beach City College, MiraCosta College, Mission College, Mt. San Jacinto College, Napa Valley College, Saddleback College, San Joaquin Valley College, Santa Rosa Junior College, Shasta College, Sierra College, Solano Community College, Yuba College
Lindsay Lake Hawkins
Director of Transfer and Dual Enrollment
Columbus State Community College, Mountwest Community and Technical College, West Virginia Northern Community College
Brandon Mooney
Senior Community College Partnership Manager
Belmont College, Bucks County Community College, Butler County Community College, Central Ohio Technical College, Community College of Allegheny County, Community College of Beaver County, Cuyahoga Community College, Eastern Gateway Community College, Hocking College, Kellogg Community College, Lorain County Community College, Marion Technical College, Montcalm Community College, North Central State College, Owens Community College, Southwestern Michigan College, Stark State College, Terra State Community College, Washington State Community College, Zane State College


An admission advisor (or recruiter)/enrollment advisor serves as the relationship manager and contact for students who are attending a partner community college and have applied or have been admitted to Ohio University. To connect with your admission advisor or enrollment advisor, begin by selecting your student type: