
娱乐, Sport Pedagogy, and Consumer Sciences 研究生助教奖学金


The mission of the Department of 娱乐, Sport Pedagogy and Consumer Sciences (RSPCS) is to improve wellbeing and happiness through inclusive recreation and leisure, 体育课, and physical activity and sport coaching. This mission is achieved through high-quality education, 奖学金, 为学校服务, 社区, 以及相关行业. 

娱乐部, Sport Pedagogy and Consumer Sciences at newbb电子平台 is seeking qualified candidates to fill graduate assistantship opportunities within the 体育活动 & 健康(PAW)计划Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 (PRHT) Program. These positions are open to students while pursuing a Master of Science degree in one of two program areas. Those program areas include the 指导教育 and Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, 旅游研究生课程.  

Students pursuing a graduate degree in either 指导教育 or Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 can apply for graduate teaching assistantships (GTA). More information on each of these positions, 详细的资格, and application requirements can be found below. 收到的申请 2月1日 receive priority and are reviewed following admissions decisions. 

体育活动 & Wellness (PAW) Graduate Teaching Assistant

The 体育活动 and Wellness program (PAW) is intended to promote health and wellness through participation in physical activity and recreational sports. The program offers a wide array of one-credit-hour courses that are available to students across the university. Courses offered through the PAW program are designed to provide opportunities for students to develop the knowledge and expertise needed to successfully engage in self-directed physical activity and individual- and team-oriented recreational sports. 

请参阅 体育活动 & Wellness (PAW) Graduate Teaching Assistantship Overview for detailed information including position description, qualifications, term of appointment, & 工资福利. Questions concerning the position should be directed to Dr. 安妮•奥尔科特、体育活动 & 健康(PAW)协调员. 


Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 Graduate Teaching Assistant

公园, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 (PRHT) Program offers a series of undergraduate courses that aim to expose students to a variety of different outdoor pursuit activities. This aspect of the PRHT program provides students with the opportunity to develop outdoor skills in areas related to wilderness living, 荒野导航, 划独木舟, 攀爬, 山地自行车, 和其他人. Graduate students selected to serve as a PRHT graduate teaching assistant will be responsible for teaching outdoor skill-based courses in the undergraduate curriculum and supporting the program in other related tasks.  

请参阅 Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 Graduate Teaching Assistantship Overview for detailed information including position description, qualifications, term of appointment, & 工资福利. Questions concerning the position should be directed to Dr. 安德鲁Szolosi, the Program Coordinator for the Parks, 娱乐, 热情好客, and 旅游 Program. 



娱乐部, Sport Pedagogy and Consumer Sciences offers a limited number of 毕业生招聘津贴s (GRS) for students who do not obtain a graduate assistantship or graduate teaching assistantship with the PAW Program, PRHT程序, or through the Department of Campus 娱乐.  

Students who accept a GRS award will receive a partial tuition waiver (i.e., full tuition waiver minus $975 during the fall and spring semester), a stipend in the amount of $975 (during the fall and spring semesters), 如果需要的话, a waiver of the non-Ohio resident surcharge. 作为GRS奖的交换条件, a student is required to work five hours per week with a faculty member in the Department of 娱乐 & Sport Pedagogy during the fall and spring semesters. The student must also enroll in a minimum of 12 graduate credit hours each semester. No formal application is required to be considered for these awards.       

Questions concerning a GRS position should be directed to Dr. 布鲁斯·马丁.