





约翰J. Biancamano |总法律顾问


Pam Benoit |执行副校长兼教务长 


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 大学政策手册

    The university policy manual shall include policies of broad application throughout the university and shall be made available online. Printed copies of the manual shall also be made available in the Alden library and university human resources on the 雅典 campus and in each of the regional campus libraries. Policies to be included in the policy manual shall be adopted in accordance with the procedures in this policy.

  2. 保险单的开始、修改或取消

    1. 审查委员会

      1. 行政人员政策委员会 shall be responsible for the review of new or amended policies and for recommending policies for approval by the president. The members of the executive staff policy committee shall be the vice president for finance and administration, 执行副校长兼教务长, 负责学生事务的副主席, 总法律顾问. 常务副校长和教务长担任委员会主席. In the event of their temporary unavailability, members may be represented by designees.

      2. 在执行人员政策委员会的指导下, the office of legal affairs will provide legal and administrative oversight for the policy-development process.

    2. 政策草拟指引

      行政人员政策委员会, 在法律事务办公室的协助下, shall prepare policy drafting guidelines setting forth requirements for content, 策略的组织和格式. These guidelines shall be made available as part of the online and hardcopy editions of the policy manual.

    3. 政策的发起、审查和批准

      1. A proposal for a new or amended policy or the rescission of an existing policy may be initiated by the university unit responsible for administering the subject matter of the policy, (“发起单位”), 须经其规划单位负责人批准. Any member of the university community may submit a suggestion for a change in university policy to the appropriate initiating unit or its planning unit head.

      2. The planning unit head with responsibility for the initiating unit shall send to the executive staff policy committee a policy proposal memorandum, 如政策起草指南所述. The proposal memorandum shall explain the need for the new or revised policy or the reason for the rescission and shall include an outline of the proposed content of the new policy or 修正案. A list of university offices and constituencies affected shall also be provided.

      3. 行政人员政策委员会 shall decide whether the proposal should go forward and may provide guidance, 限制, 或者任何其他它认为合适的建议. 特别是, the executive staff policy committee should confirm that the initiating unit will consult the appropriate university officials and constituencies.

      4. If the executive staff policy committee authorizes a continuation of the policy development process, 发起单位可以使用“”继续起草政策 标准策略模板 按照政策起草指引.

      5. The initiating unit shall solicit comments and recommendations from the university officials and constituencies affected by 拟议的政策 or rescission, 包括任何适当的参议院.

      6. The draft policy and all comments from university officials and constituencies consulted by the initiating unit shall be posted online.

      7. 协商过程完成后, 拟议的政策, 修正案, or rescission shall be submitted to the executive staff policy committee for final review. The submission shall include a policy approval cover sheet signed by the planning unit head. The policy approval cover sheet shall be in the form prescribed in the policy drafting guidelines and shall include a list of the university officials and constituencies consulted in the policy development process and summaries of the comments and recommendations from each. The materials submitted to the executive staff policy committee shall also be made available to each official and constituency consulted by the initiating unit.

      8. 执行人员政策委员会应审查拟议的政策, 修正案 or rescission and the comments and recommendations from the officials and constituencies who reviewed the proposal. The committee may recommend the policy or rescission to the president for final approval or send it back to the initiating unit for further modification or consultation.

    4. 更新政策

      All policies shall be reviewed to determine whether an update is necessary at least every five years. 在执行人员政策委员会的指导下, the office of legal affairs will send update notices to initiating units for each policy.

    5. 临时政策

      1. 行政人员政策委员会 may determine that because of legal requirements or administrative necessity a policy must be adopted or amended immediately. 在这个事件中, the executive staff policy committee may recommend to the president that an interim policy be adopted. 行政人员政策委员会's recommendation shall include a complete description of the legal or administrative issues supporting the request for an interim policy.

      2. An interim policy shall be effective for an initial period of no more than six months. 在最初的六个月之后, the executive staff policy committee may recommend to the president that an interim policy be extended for two additional six month periods. A permanent policy adopted in accordance with the procedures set forth in section (B)(3) of this policy should be approved by the president no later than eighteen months after the effective date of the interim policy.



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