15.006: 所有权 和 Utilization of University-Sponsored Educational Materials






Kenneth Armstrong | Director of Independent 和 Distance Learning Programs


Nancy Prichard Crist, Chair | 政策 和 Procedure Review Committee





  1. 概述

    This policy governs the 所有权 和 utilization of university-sponsored educational 材料.

    Ohio university encourages educational innovation 和 experimentation in the 使用 of techniques which improve instructional effectiveness 和 efficiency. 为此目的, the university has several offices which support 和 assist in the development 和 improvement of educational 材料.

    The university recognizes the merit of developing improved educational 材料. Such contributions rank high when matters of salary, promotion, 和 work load are considered. All such activities are regarded as 学术 research or as service to the university.

  2. 大学赞助教材的定义

    1. 的指导方针

      Educational 材料 are university-sponsored only when either

      1. A faculty or staff member's responsibilities specifically include a written assignment that such 材料 are to be produced, or

      2. A special contract for such production has been made (sample contracts are available from the legal affairs office).

    2. 合同


      1. If the author(s) will 使用 in his or her developmental work without charge to him or her, 设备, 材料, 和 staff services of Ohio university which assist in the development of educational 材料; or

      2. If the author(s) will receive support in the form of money, 发布时间, 或者其他部门的资源, 一个大学, or any other unit of the university; or

      3. If the author(s) will be commissioned by the university or one of its colleges, 学校, departments or units to develop the 材料 和 in their production, will 使用 some part of the time for which he or she will receive compensation from university support budgets, 奖助金, 合同预算由大学管理, 或者是基于特别立法拨款的预算.

    3. 所含材料的例子

      Educational 材料 to which this policy is applicable include, 但不限于, 录像:录像或录音等作品, 电影, 幻灯片, 幻灯片, 图表, 电影带, 编程和自学材料, 还有计算机程序.

    4. 排除材料

      Educational 材料 to which this policy does not apply include non-university sponsored 材料, such as textbooks or related printed instructional 材料, e.g., study guides 和 instructor's manuals, 以及专著等印刷材料, book or journal articles prepared for the purposes of disseminating 学术 research.

  3. 所有权

    1. The developer(s) or author(s) of the educational 材料 they produce are the sole 和 exclusive owner of the literary, 学术, or creative idea 和 concept involved in the educational 材料. The developer(s) or author(s) are responsible for warranting the originality of the idea or concept 和 that such 使用 is not improper; 和 they will be responsible for seeking 和 obtaining all necessary releases, 权限, 以及使用任何非原创材料的授权.

    2. 大学保留所有权,但部分除外 (D) 和 (E) 这个政策, over the actual tangible university-sponsored educational material so produced, unless there is a contractual arrangement between the university 和 the developer(s) or author(s) granting to the latter 所有权 rights in the actual tangible educational material.

    3. A contract employee may enter into a contract relationship with his or her senior officer regarding the creation, 所有权, 使用, 报酬, or any other matter relating to educational 材料 not consistent with this policy.

  4. 内部使用

    The design 和 development of university-sponsored educational 材料 does not change the basic privileges of academic freedom.

    The author has the same degree of autonomy 和 freedom in selecting content, organizing its presentation 和 otherwise managing courses that 使用 university-sponsored 材料 as pertains to all other courses.

    The entire university community will have access to university-sponsored educational 材料 unless their 使用 is restricted by prior agreement.

  5. 外部使用

    大学的员工, sponsoring departments or regional campus divisions primarily involved in the preparation of 材料 distributed externally will share in any net income received from the sale or rental of these 材料. All duplication 和 distribution costs will be returned to the university before the net income from sale or rental is distributed.

    The actual distribution of compensation for external 使用 should be determined on a case by case basis prior to the initiation of the project, 使用下面推荐的公式:

    作者 保荐部门或

    50 %

    25 %

    25 %

    Grant-funded 材料 may require external distribution in a manner specified by the granting agency.

  6. 评审与修订

    教材需要定期复习和修订. The agreement between the author(s) 和 the university must specify a period of time after which the material should undergo review 和 possibly revision.

    第一期利用期满后, the university will not 使用 the 材料 until they have been reviewed. 如果该材料仅由作者使用, determination of its 使用 beyond the specified utilization period is his or her responsibility. If the material is being 使用d by others within the university, its 使用 beyond the terms of the agreement will require written approval of the author(s).



  1. 学术事务副教务长

  2. 终身学习学院院长

  3. 大学学院院长

  4. 传媒学院院长

  5. WOUB公共媒体中心主任

  6. 总法律顾问

  7. Vice President for Research 和 Creative Activity 和 Dean of the Graduate College

  8. 教师参议院

  9. 行政参议院