







Joseph Trubacz | Interim Vice President for Finance and Administration, 首席财务官和董事会的宝藏 



  1. 概述

    这个政策是用来概述政策的, 程序, and 责任 for the administration of the Ohio university job classification plan pertaining to administrative employees of Ohio university.

    University human resources (UHR) is responsible for classifying all positions based on specifications and job descriptions developed for each position (see section 124.14 (经修订的守则). UHR will apply consistent and objective criteria to the analysis of all positions, 并将对员工的数据进行交叉比对和核实, 监事, 以及部门主管.

    The classification of all positions is based upon duties, 责任, 知识, 技能, 最低学历要求, 认证, 或许可, 生理需求, and reporting relationships inherent in a given position. Position classifications are assigned germane titles and are placed in functional groupings, which illustrate the job framework and opportunities for professional growth and development.

  2. 岗位评审与审核

    1. 空缺或新职位

      当一个新职位出现时, or if substantial changes are made in an open (unfilled) position, 主管或规划单位负责人应填写一份“职位描述问卷,并将其转交世界卫生组织审查和分类. The position will be reviewed and a written summary of findings forwarded to the appropriate planning unit representative for final determination of the appropriate classification.

    2. 行政职务(在职)

      If an employee and the department (supervisor with support from the planning unit) determine that a position has changed substantially (more than thirty per cent) and in such a way that it may 影响 the mapping of the position to the job framework, 修订后的“职位描述问卷,应填写并提交世界卫生组织审查. Job changes are 不 defined by incremental changes in job tasks, but rather determined by whether the job has changed with regards to the scope, 影响, 以及职责的复杂性. 通常, 在同一级别范围内承担的额外职责, 影响, and complexity do 不 warrant a position evaluation or job change.

      人权高专办也可以发起审计. The planning unit will work with the incumbent employee to complete the "职位描述问卷,并将资料提交给世界卫生组织. An audit may 不 be requested more often than once a year. A year is defined as a period beginning twelve months from the date of the last audit determination. An exception may be made to this twelve-month rule if significant documentation can be provided, showing that the duties of the position have been substantially changed since the date of the completion of the previous audit.

      UHR分析师将对该职位进行审查, interviewing the employee or the immediate supervisor as necessary, and conferring with the planning unit head and any other persons as deemed necessary. The analyst will complete a written summary of findings and render a recommendation to the appropriate planning unit representative.

      是否基于职责和责任, 所需技能, or organizational level of a position have remained essentially constant, 大幅减少, 或者大幅增加, a position audit may result in no change in the mapping of the position, 映射到较低额定位置的变化, 或者映射到更高的位置.

      UHR will determine the appropriate mapping based on the audit findings, 并将此决定通知相关部门, 以书面形式, within thirty calendar days after the analyst has completed the review. The information provided to the department at that time will include the audit results, 有支持的理由.

  3. 位置改变动作

    If a position is reclassified by UHR to a lower-rated position, 新分类的生效日期, 以及任何工资率的变化, 将如“薪酬管理指引."

    If a position is reclassified by UHR to a higher-rated position, it becomes the responsibility of the incumbent's planning unit head to determine operationally whether or 不 the higher-level position should be added to the table of organization. If it is determined that the higher-level position should  be added, the higher-level duties will be removed from the position's 责任. The incumbent employee shall receive the higher-level pay 追溯 for the lesser of the following two durations:

    1. One year; or

    2. The period of time between the date the audit request was received by UHR and the date the higher level duties were removed from the job.

    The incumbent employee's pay would then continue at the original classification rate.

    If it is determined that the higher level position should be added, 的重新分类, 新的工资标准, 生效, 追溯, 如《薪酬管理指引."

  4. 分类覆核及上诉

    1. 一般信息

      The incumbent employee may request an internal review or appeal of the audit decision. 审核请求必须提交一份完整的“分类的吸引力“形式. The appeal form must be submitted to the UHR liaison for the employee's unit within fifteen days of the date of the audit decision.

      Nothing in this policy shall limit or restrict the employee's appeal rights under the Revised Code.

    2. 管理员工

      Administrative (unclassified) employees may appeal audit decisions to the CHRO. Administrative (unclassified) employees may also appeal audit decisions to the office of equity and civil rights compliance, 但前提是他们的诉求是基于公平考虑.



  1. 行政参议院

  2. 教师参议院

  3. 院长

  4. 首席财务和行政官