







Kathy Krendl | Executive Vice President 和 Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 概述

    This policy provides guidance for the depositing of funds at Ohio university. 该政策符合第9条的规定.38 of the Revised Code ("Payment or deposit of public moneys") 和 directs prudent business practices for foundation funds.

    用于本文档的目的, “公共资金”和“基金”包括现金, 检查, 信用卡收据, 以及电子转账.

    所有 funds must be deposited with the appropriate office on the business day following the day of receipt, 除非, 在一个工作日结束时, the amount to deposit is less than one thous和 dollars  资金可以得到保障. 在这种情况下, the deposit may be delayed until the third business day, or when the amount on h和 reaches an amount equal to or greater than one thous和 dollars, 先到者为准.

    Non-compliance with deposit deadlines will result in a notice of violation that will be copied to the appropriate dean or vice president, 控制器, 以及审计署, 风险, 和遵从性.

    Checks received at Ohio university made payable to "newbb电子平台" should be restrictively endorsed upon receipt; contact the assistant bursar for endorsement stamp specifications. Checks received at Ohio university made payable to the "newbb电子平台 Foundation" should also be restrictively endorsed upon receipt; contact the foundation accounting office for endorsement stamp specifications

  2. 补助金和合同的存款会计

    Deposits for grants 和 contracts (fund types 020 和 04X) as well as matching funds (0200, 0300, 0600, 0700) should be forwarded to grants 和 contract accounting, along with any documentation that accompanied the check.

  3. 给newbb电子平台基金会的存款

    Deposits for foundation accounts (fund types 100, 130 和 160) should be forwarded to the Ohio university foundation, 连同一份完整的“存款传输- OU基金会“形式.

  4. 工厂存款会计

    Deposits for plant accounts (fund type 06X) should be forwarded to plant accounting, along with any documentation that accompanied the check.

  5. Deposits for all other funds received in departments

    Deposits of funds other than those listed in parts (B)(C)(D) of this policy should be forwarded to the cashier's office along with a "按金表格- OU." Include any other required documentation (such as credit card balancing reports) 和 any documentation that may serve to establish the purpose for which the funds are intended.

    An electronic departmental deposit module is available that provides departments with the ability to key deposits into the cashiering system. The department must then provide the funds 和 deposit number assigned by the system to the cashier's office. 联系 the assistant bursar to request training for the electronic departmental deposit module.

  6. 处理因未知原因收到的支票

    一个部门应该收到支票吗, 支票的原因是未知的, 部门应该把支票寄出去, along with any documentation that accompanied the check, 到“一般会计”, 218套房, 西联合街办公中心."

  7. 接受电子支付

    A department that wants to accept payments through the web or any other electronic means must coordinate the activity with the office of the bursar.

  8. 接受信用卡付款

    Any department that wants to accept credit card payments (through the internet, 通过电话, 在人, 通过邮件, or through a third party vendor) must coordinate the activity with the office of the bursar. To protect the privacy of our customers as well as maintain compliance with the "Graham Leach Bliley (GLB) Act" 和 "Payment Card Industry Data Security St和ards" (PCI DSS), units must follow the guidelines described below for 处理 of credit card transactions. Adhering to the following procedures will help insure the integrity 和 security of all credit card transactions..

    1. 信用卡交易必须亲自办理, 通过电话, 通过邮件, or via a secure university approved internet application. Do not accept credit card information via email, or send such information via email.

    2. Printed customer receipts that are distributed outside the department must show only the last four digits of the credit card number.

    3. When storing paper records containing credit card numbers, all but the last four digits should be redacted as soon as refunds or disputes are no longer likely, but no more than one hundred eighty days from the date of the transactions. Do not store credit card information in a customer database, 电子表格, 或者移动存储设备. Paper records must be stored in a locked room or cabinet to which only authorized employees are permitted access.

    4. Credit card 处理 will require annual review by the office of the bursar to confirm compliance with the "Payment Card Industry Data Security St和ards."

    Failure to comply with the above st和ards may result in your department being 要求停止 接受信用卡的行为.

    If credit card records may have been compromised in any way, whether through malicious intent or due to a weakness in the h和ling, 处理, 或者存储信用卡交易, 立即 notify the office of the bursar, or the chief information officer or his or her designee, or both


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 财务和行政副总裁

  2. 控制器

  3. 首席信息官