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Business Matters

June 29, 2023
Proper Usage of Internal Awards-Reminder

Internal Awards are a method to award funds to employees, or sometimes departments, for a specific purpose and time frame.

June 29, 2023
JET: Multiple Periods will be Open

As you are working to complete your year-end closing tasks, please be aware multiple periods will be open in JET the end of June to the end of July. 2023年6月- 23 & July 2023-24 will both be open periods in JET.

June 29, 2023
Setting vacation rules/delegates/proxies

We know that many people are taking advantage of the summer to enjoy some vacation time and the FY23 bonus PTO

June 29, 2023
A word about FY24 balances on the 奥比 dashboard

During the period of time when both FY23 and FY24 are open, the balances appearing for FY24 results are inaccurate. This is because FY23 year end must be complete before we rollforward the FY23 ending balances as FY24 beginning balances. These new balances will be available in 奥比 on August 8th.

June 29, 2023
What is Fiscal Year End (FYE) Closing all about?

The University ends its fiscal year as of June 30 each year. The fiscal year end close process is required to prepare the external financial statements presentation and prepare for the start of the next accounting year.

Users of 同意 SAP Mobile App

同意 SAP has a new look in their mobile application.

May 17, 2023
Preparation for FY23 Year End

Now is the time to focus on on preparations for year end.  The 更多的 work that everyone gets accomplished now, the 更多的 you can enjoy the holidays, and PTO and summer.

May 17, 2023
New 奥比 Supplier Dashboard

即将到来的!  A new Suppliers dashboard will roll out on June 1st.  Its located on the 采购 tab on the 金融 dashboard in 奥比.

May 17, 2023
FY23 Mass PO 关闭 Process

Procurement Services will be running a mass-closure process to Purchase Orders that meet our closure criteria. The purpose of this message is to communicate the timing and to allow you an opportunity to review the list of PO’s that will be closed and provide feedback for any POs that should NOT be closed.