02.002: Banning




March 31, 2023

Initiated by:

Stacey Bennett | General Counsel 

Endorsed by:


Approved by:

Hugh Sherman | President 

Signatures and dates on archival copy
  1. Overview

    本政策确定了可能阻止某人继续留在所拥有的财产的情况, leased, or operated by Ohio university, 并建立了一个程序,用于立即驱逐他们,并禁止他们在一段时间内返回.

    在由社区标准和学生责任办公室裁定的学生行为案件中,不需要遵循这一过程, 或根据法院刑事或民事制裁禁止进入newbb电子平台财产的人.

  2. Forbidden conduct

    Students, faculty, staff, 访问者有义务以与newbb电子平台作为教育机构的功能相适应的方式行事. Therefore, a person's continued presence on property owned, leased, 或由newbb电子平台运营,如果其行为违反以下任何一项或多项规定,则可能受到限制:

    1. Active or passive, willful or deliberate obstruction, disruption, or occupation of building entrances, walks, stairways, passageways, approaches, classrooms, offices, parking areas, auxiliary rooms (power, telephone, etc.), 或任何其他妨碍newbb电子平台授权项目和职能实施的空间;
    2. Detaining, holding, intimidating, injuring, 对合法拥有的财产威胁伤害或者以身体伤害胁迫他人的, leased, or operated by Ohio university;
    3. 盗窃、恶意毁坏、损毁、伤害非个人所有的财产;
    4. 造成人身伤害或财产损坏的重大危险的行为;
    5. For purposes of student conduct, 《newbb电子平台》中所包含的禁止事项,参照《newbb电子平台》纳入本政策. 学生行为和不当行为的裁决受“学生行为准则”的约束.本政策无意也不应被用作规避《newbb电子平台》相关程序的机制."
  3. Authorized officials

    以下newbb电子平台官员将被授权命令人员立即离开newbb电子平台财产,并禁止他们在特定时间内返回, including indefinitely:

    1. President of Ohio university
    2. newbb电子平台执行副校长兼教务长
    3. Ohio university police officers
    4. Vice president for finance and administration
    5. Vice president for student affairs
    6. General counsel
    7. Regional campus deans (for regional campuses)
  4. Banning

    以下程序将命令人员立即离开newbb电子平台的财产,并禁止他们在指定的时间内返回, including indefinitely.

    1. 在需要和适当的时候,可以口头通知.
    2. A written notice will be, where practical, 由发起诉讼的官员直接或口头通知后亲自发给当事人的.
  5. Written notice

    根据本政策发出的所有通知的副本将转发给newbb电子平台警察局和法律事务办公室. If the person being banned is a student, 所有通知的副本也将转发给学生办公室主任.

    The written notice will include the following:

    1. Name and last known address of the person.
    2. Process for an appeal.
    3. Specification of the alleged unacceptable behavior.
    4. 禁止此人进入newbb电子平台财产的通知, including while an appeal is pending, until the ban expires, 并且在此期间会因非法侵入而被逮捕.

      Example wording:

      “在此通知上显示的禁令日期到期或禁令经过审查修改之前,您不得进入newbb电子平台的财产. 在你被禁止进入的时间内,你可能会因非法侵入而被逮捕和刑事起诉."

    5. 禁止个人进入的地点.
    6. Inclusive dates prohibition is in effect.
  6. Appeals

    根据这项政策,被禁止进入newbb电子平台财产的人可以向newbb电子平台警察局局长提出上诉, 118 Ridges Circle, Athens, OH 45701. 在收到申诉之日起三十天内, the chief or his or her designee shall convene a review; the person banned will be notified of the date, time, and location.


    1. Composition


      1. newbb电子平台警察局(主席),代表一人;
      2. Legal affairs, one representative;
      3. 财务和行政副总裁,一名代表.
    2. Review


      1. A written record of the review shall be kept.
      2. 提出上诉的被禁人员可由一名可协助但不能在审查中发挥积极作用的人员陪同.
      3. 上诉的最终处理通知将在覆核后三十天内提供给受影响的人.



  1. Vice President for Finance and Administration
  2. Ohio University Chief of Police
  3. Provost's Office
  4. Vice President for Student Affairs
  5. President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students
  6. Chief Human Resource Officer
  7. Academic Deans
  8. Regional Campus Deans
  9. Faculty Senate
  10. Administrative Senate
  11. Student Senate
  12. Graduate Student Senate