





路易斯·E. Lewin |首席人力资源官


Kathy Krendl | Executive Vice President and Provost


罗德里克J. 麦克戴维斯|总统

  1. 概述


    这项政策不适用于公务人员, university-supported solicitations that are intended to address the university's broader mission to serve the community, 比如newbb电子平台基金会, 曼联上诉, 或者红十字会的献血活动. 该政策适用于大学校园内或大学运营权限下的所有设施和财产.

    不允许员工或非员工在校园建筑内征集或分发文献(电子或纸质), unless the solicitation or distribution of 文学 is in accordance with the content, 需求, 以及这项政策的限制.

  2. 由雇员征集或分发

    1. 一名雇员向另一名雇员拉客, 使用任何媒介形式或手段, for any purpose is prohibited during either employee's work time. Solicitation may occur in work areas during non-work times of the employees involved.

    2. 一个员工 may distribute 文学 only in a non-work area and only if all employees involved are on non-work time.

    3. 禁止员工使用校园内部邮件系统或校园电子邮件系统进行募捐.

  3. Leaves of absence to conduct an 组织's business

    员工为开展组织业务而请假的任何请求必须按照正常的大学请假政策提出,并应根据大学的运营需要,由适当的部门主管确定. (见政策 41.128.)

  4. Solicitation by 非雇员s and non-university 组织s

    1. 任何非雇员或组织想要招揽雇员或出于任何目的分发文献必须获得许可, 以书面形式, at least one business day prior to each proposed visit; the request should be submitted to


      or to the chief human resource officer's designee, 说明拟访问的目的和任何希望进入newbb电子平台校园的人的姓名.

    2. 首席人力资源官或首席人力资源官的指定人员将试图找到一个适当的指定区域或会议空间,供提交请求的非雇员或组织使用, and will then issue a permit designating the appropriate location and the date and time it may be used. 如果收到两次或两次以上要求在相同或重叠时间进入适当指定区域或会议空间的请求, the university will attempt to provide an alternate appropriate designated area or meeting space. In the event that no alternate designated area or meeting space is available, 学校将允许学生轮流使用指定的区域或会议空间,使用时间相同. If the designated areas or meeting spaces are unavailable due to a prior reservation, then the university will immediately notify the requesting party of such conflict.

    3. 组织或非雇员不得在工作时间或非工作时间在任何工作区域以实物或电子方式分发文献或招揽雇员.

    4. 任何组织或非雇员的任何征集和分发文献应限于指定的区域或会议空间。, 日期(s), 根据段落规定的时间 (D)(2) 本保单,除:

      1. employees may be solicited outside of buildings and facilities if they are on non-work time;

      2. 组织或非雇员在通知首席人力资源官后,可以在指定的停车场征集或分发文献.

      3. 大学房地产, 包括大学拥有的车辆, may not be used to post any signage for solicitation purposes.

    5. The use of the Ohio university internal campus mail system for solicitation purposes is prohibited, except for charitable solicitations that may be approved as defined under Chapter 1716 of the Revised Code (see policy 42.001).

    6. Use of outdoor space on the 雅典 campus for "protest and other expression" must follow policy 01.044.

  5. 公告栏张贴

    1. Employees of the university and 非雇员s may post 通知, 文学, or other appropriate information on employee bulletin boards designated as such by the university. If a notice contains information about an on-campus solicitation by an 组织, it must conform to the permission granted to the 组织 (in terms of designated area, time, 以及日期).

    2. 帖子不得超过8个.5 x 14 inches and shall not be posted in such a manner as to cover any other posted material.

    3. 张贴在公告栏上的材料必须自张贴之日起注明日期,并可自张贴之日起在公告栏上保留最多14个日历日.

    4. No posted material shall contain derogatory remarks or personal attacks against any university employee. 此类材料将构成立即取消留言板张贴特权的理由,并应对张贴此类材料的大学员工进行纪律处分. (见政策 23.050.)

    5. 各规划单位首长会委托所属部门首长负责监察各自楼宇内的布告板.

  6. 破坏性的行为

    1. The university reserves the right to regulate any solicitation or distribution activities by any 非雇员, 组织, or employee that disrupts or interferes with the normal work activity of Ohio university employees.

    2. 任何组织(自行或通过其员工支持者)或任何违反任何规则或政策的非员工将被要求离开校园. Repeated violations shall be cause for banning an 组织 or 非雇员 from the campus. (见政策 02.002.)

    3. 任何员工(以个人身份或作为任何组织或非员工的代理人)违反本协议中包含的任何规则或政策,均应采取纠正措施, 直至并包括终止雇佣关系.

  7. 设备的采购和成本, 设备, and miscellaneous services for purposes of solicitation

    一个员工, 非雇员, 或任何组织都应遵守newbb电子平台和大学内部各部门关于采购的政策和程序, 以及正常的成本, 大学设施, 设备, 杂项事务(如.g. - labor costs; rental fees and charges; food; utilities; etc.)作征集用途. 在采购, the responsibility for any damages or misuse of facilities or 设备 shall be the sole responsibility of the employee, 非雇员, 或组织. (见政策 24.005、政策 24.016、政策 01.025.)

  8. 日常和正常业务

    All solicitation must be conducted so that campus pedestrians and automobile traffic are unobstructed, so that members of the university community are able to proceed with their normal activities.

  9. 定义

    1. "Charitable contribution" means a pledge or grant of anything of value to a charitable 组织, when the value of the pledge or grant exceeds the value of anything received in return.

    2. "Charitable Organization" means an entity within the definition of section 1716.修订法典第01条.

    3. “指定区域或会议空间”系指由首席人力资源官或其指定人员确定的建筑物、设施或房间.

    4. “指定停车场”系指由首席人力资源官或其指定人员确定的员工或访客停放机动车辆的区域.

    5. “指定人员”系指首席人力资源官指定的根据本政策管理和规范征集活动的人员,或被指定为规范征集活动相关政策的人员.g., 在贝克中心征集, 坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂, or the west portico of 坦普尔顿-布莱克本校友纪念礼堂).

    6. “传播文献”指以物理或电子方式传播或张贴任何书面或图形材料, 包括传单, 通知, 或任何其他书面资料或表格.

    7. “员工公告牌”是指任何非学生公告牌,没有玻璃,没有特别指定的特定用途.

    8. "Non-employee" means any person not employed at Ohio university or any person not in active work status.

    9. “非工作区域”是指由首席人力资源官或其指定人员确定的区域,一般包括大堂, 员工午餐室, 公共区域, 或指定停车场.

    10. “非工作时间”指经批准的假期, 批准的叶子, 安排午休时间, 安排休息时间, 在预定工作时间之前和之后.

    11. "Organization" means a body of persons established for a specific purpose.

    12. “招揽”是指任何口头的, 写, or electronic advocacy of an 组织 or cause, or request for contribution or support thereof; any activity conducted for the purpose of advertising, 促进, 或销售任何产品或服务, 或者鼓励加入任何团体, 协会或组织.

    13. "Work area" means areas to be determined by the chief human resource officer or their designee, 员工在哪里执行公务, 包括newbb电子平台建筑, 工作站, 办公室, 会议室, and corridors leading directly thereto that are used as an integral part of performing work. 以教员为例, work area means the assigned 办公室 and other areas in which the faculty conduct teaching, 研究, and service responsibilities in keeping with their assigned duties.

    14. “工作时间”是指员工因工作职责需要从事学校规定的工作任务的时间. 以教员为例, 工作时间是指按照指定职责的要求,合理预期用于处理学校事务的时间.


Proposed revisions of this policy should be reviewed by:

  1. 教师参议院

  2. 行政参议院

  3. 学生参议院

  4. 研究生院