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Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

Inclusive Pedagogy Academy

What is Inclusive Pedagogy?

包容性教学法通过让教师参与各种教学方法和学生参与来尊重和庆祝课堂内的差异. 传统的教育实践可能并不总是支持学生,使他们能够充分发挥潜力.

A student-centered learning approach, 全纳教学法承认教师和学生的社会身份对学习体验都有影响. 包容性教学法挑战教师的思考和不同的教学方式创造一个 learning environment that works for everyone.

What is the Inclusive Pedagogy Academy?

包容性教学学院是一个独特的课程,教师可以在这里学习更多关于如何在所有学科中实施包容性教学方法的知识. Led by the Center for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, 该学院与多个学院和单位合作办学.

该学院将在线模块的异步学习与同步会议相结合,以便进行更深入的讨论, practical application and understanding. Through four online, asynchronous modules and seven synchronous meetings, participants address inclusivity on personal, structural and interactional levels. 的 online modules provide resources (e.g., video lectures, readings, resources, activities and reflections) to facilitate deliverable changes (e.g.(修订的内容和政策文件),你计划在2024年春季或秋季教授一门课程. 模块一和模块二将在秋季学期完成,模块三和模块四将在春季完成(查看时间表以了解更多信息).

Schedule and Important Dates

Meeting Information

  • 学院将以混合式同步会议开始,向与会者介绍包容性教学法.
  • 每个模块完成后将举行同步会议,以便参与者就模块所涵盖的内容进行更深入的讨论.
  • In week 8 of fall semester 2024, 学院将同步召开会议,讨论经验教训,并指导下一批包容性教育学院的参与者.
  • January 10, 2025: Before the spring semester begins, 将有一个同步会议来讨论参与者在春季课程中所做的改变.

Module Open and Due Dates and Synchronous Meeting Dates

ModuleModule Open DateModule Due DateSynchronous Meeting Dates
Module 1September TBDOctober TBD的 two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 2October TBDNovember TBD的 two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 3January TBDFebruary TBD的 two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
Module 4March TBDApril TBD的 two dates will be on Fridays from 9 to 10:30 a.m.

Mission and Goals


Through the academy, participants:

  • 批判性地参与和修改课程,以注入包容性的教学实践, paying attention to syllabi creation, choice of readings, 在一门学科中创造里程碑的人的不同身份框架的教学法和/或方法
  • Embed co-curricular student engagement within course requirements
  • 设想一个领域内多样性和包容性的挑战和可能性,考虑学习成果如何与跨文化能力相一致,以帮助学生在职业生涯中取得成就
  • 指导和/或咨询同学和学生的课程设计
  • Reflect on positionality, 以及特权和压迫如何在课堂上发挥作用以及评估的指标
  • 制定涵盖不同人群的院系教学方法指导方针,目标是提高学术成就和保留边缘化社区
  • 为参与课程改革的学员提供培训和指导


的 academy will result in concrete products (e.g., revised course syllabus, 政策文件和资源),以促进学员课程的包容性,也可用于在年度报告和晋升/终身教职档案中展示教学效果.


Successful academy completes will receive a $1,000 stipend.

Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Facilitators


Past Inclusive Pedagogy Academy Facilitators

Application Information

Eligibility Information

Applicants who are committed to change should consider applying, even if they have not engaged with this topic before. 申请将在团队层面进行审查,每个团队应包括两到三名对将包容性教学法纳入其课程和学校/部门/校园课程感兴趣的教师. 团队应包括来自俄亥俄州任何校区的终身教职人员和/或教学人员. Faculty may propose cross-disciplinary 团队s at their discretion.

How to newbb电子

Please collect all required 团队 information before beginning this form. 我们建议您将团队的申请信息保存在计算机上的Word文档中作为备份. 所有表格必须在同一时段内填写和提交.的 application 包括团队和个人组成部分,以及团队主任/主席/院长的支持信. You may view the application form for complete instructions.

团队 每个学院/系的教师申请人应提交一份联合申请(每个团队一份),其中包括:

  • List of 团队 members
  • Courses targeted for change
  • 一个反映(A)你所在学校包容性教学现状的基本原理, department or division; (b) your 团队’s goals in participating in the inclusive pedagogy academy; and (c) the rationale for the composition of this 团队 and how the 团队 can affect systemic change within your school, department or division.
  • Short biosketches for each 团队 member
  • 团队主席/主任/院长的支持信,包括安排团队成员的教学和其他义务的承诺,以允许他们参与学院的同步部分

Application Deadline

Ready to get started? newbb电子 by Friday, April 19, at 5 p.m. EST for full consideration. Questions? Send an email 致教学与评估中心执行主任Melinda Rhodes-DiSalvo.

newbb电子 Now!

请注意:申请人将在4月25日之前被告知他们的申请状态, 2024.